Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Take Care of your Body

This week on the Dr. Oz show: Did you know your thyroid converts fat to energy. Feed your thyroid right!

A healthy thyroid: popping balloons with a pin. An under active thyroid: popping them with your bare hands:-/  Where balloons = fat cells.

Take your temp under your tongue before you get out of bed in the morning. After a week of this, find your average. If it's less than 98.6, you may have a sluggish thyroid.

 Feed your sluggish thyroid with iodized salt and selenium rich food. Kosher salts do not have iodine. Selenium is found in mushrooms and brazil nuts.

Our liver's job is to detox our body from the sugary, fatty foods we consume. When we feed it too much of these foods, it's job becomes very difficult and it can't filter the good from the bad. Feed your liver WATER and antioxidants. Also eat bitter greens (regular spinach, arugula) and cruciferous veggies (broccoli).

When your heart is stressed (pumping harder due to cholesterol and clogged arteries) it actually enlarges. Feed your heart DHA Omega 3s and at least 2 servings of soluble fiber daily. After age 40, take 2 low dose aspirin (ask your doctor first) with an 8oz glass of water (half before half after the pills).

Your intestines know when you're stressed and cannot work properly. Feed your intestines PREbiotics (food for the bacteria) AND PRObiotics (healthy bacteria). Eat bananas, whole grains, honey, garlic, onions, and yogurt.

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